For those of us torn between concern for a warming globe and a lifestyle that relies on spewing tons of the greenhouse gases responsible for
Each year scientists at the cutting edge of climate research undertaken all across the world gather at the Comer Conference in Wisconsin to exchange their latest findings
Hiking up to 16,000 feet in the Himalayas, climate scientists plan to pin down how fast glaciers are melting near the top of the world.  Bhutan,
In remote, rural Wisconsin, PVC pipe and white tarps transformed a section of an airplane hangar into a forum for some of the world’s top
Both Northern and Southern hemispheres are heating up with global warming. Yet scientists see differences in climate patterns between the hemispheres in past ages. 
Top climate scientists such as Richard Alley and Joerg Schaefer share what they do to reduce their carbon footprints. Individual efforts count in the planet-sized challenge of human-influenced
China, with one of the world fastest growing economies and skyrocketing energy use, still left a gaping hole in the global climate change map -
When the late philanthropist and entrepreneur Gary Comer cruised through the Northwest Passage off Greenland’s coast and into the Arctic in 2001, he knew something
U.N. special envoy on climate change Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland and her 22-person international commission started warning countries to avert global warming in 1987. Twenty-five
Whooping cranes, silvery-blue butterflies and Blanding’s turtles are just a few of the species who could preserve their habitat in the proposed national wildlife refuge


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Abigail Foerstner, Managing Editor and Medill Associate Professor

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